In the Wake of Sandy Hook, the Left Calls for Massacre of NRA Members

I don’t get out into the Twitterverse much.  One of the reasons for this is my deep-seated dislike for words like “Twitterverse.”  But I was drawn into it by an interesting–and revealing–series of tweets by notable anti-gun liberals calling for, well, my death.

You see, I’m a member of the NRA.  So when Joyce Carol Oates and Marg Helgenberger had this exchange on Twitter calling for NRA members to “become gun victims themselves,” I was understandably a little offended.  And a little scared.  Shouldn’t I be?  After all, whenever someone on the right implies anything that even kinda sorta maybe looks like violence if you squint (remember this debate over Sarah Palin’s “Crosshairs Map?”), the media blames that statement for being instrumental in some death or other.  The TV news machine explodes in a frenzy about how “inappropriate” it is and about how the “pro-gun right” is “advocating violence.”

Meanwhile, an author and an actress (obviously the best people in the world for advice on sociology, crime, and the effects of legislation, but I digress) essentially call for the death of American citizens because they disagree with the liberal party line.


Any outrage?  Any commentary, even, from the mainstream media?  From any media?

Nope.  Because it’s okay to wish for the deaths of those who disagree with the Party.  Sound familiar *cough* 1984 *cough* Stalin *cough*?

Well, perhaps you weren’t impressed by those tweets.  Maybe you can see a way to interpret those words as not exactly calling for the deaths of NRA members, but just wishing that new legislation might be forthcoming just in case something horrible like that did happen.  Not really wishing for it.  It’s a damn fine line, but it’s not like Joyce Carol Oates is a professional author or anything, right?

Okay.  Then how about major Democrat precinct leader John Cobarruvias’ tweet asking if he’s allowed to shoot NRA members now?  And his following tweets (listed at the same link) referring to the NRA as a “terrorist organization” and saying that a pro-gun Texas congressman wants “more guns to kill more children?”

What’s that you say?  Oh, yes.  He apologized, said his emotions got the better of him.

I guess that makes it all better, right?

People’s emotions do get the better of them.  And that’s just the problem, because people, especially crazy people, like to listen to celebrities.

So listen up, Ms. Oates and Ms. Helgenberger, and especially you, Mr. Cobarruvias: The NRA advocates for the availability of guns to law-abiding citizens, and for that, you blame them for the horrible deaths at Sandy Hook Elementary school.  By your own logic, if even one NRA member is killed, you are now responsible.  Even more so, because rather than advocating for a tool, you advocated for the actual murders.

Oates and Helgenberger should be ashamed of themselves.  But the entire Democrat Party should be ashamed of Cobarruvias, ashamed that they have put a man like him into a position of authority, and have kept him there in spite of unacceptable and egregious calls to violent action from his grandstand as a high-ranking Democrat.

Anything less than removal from his position is tacit agreement that American citizens should be murdered for daring to disagree with the Party.  Anything less is the accepting the idea, at least in principle, that those with unpopular views should be purged.

I’m still waiting for the outrage.  And I’m still listening  to the crickets.

One thought on “In the Wake of Sandy Hook, the Left Calls for Massacre of NRA Members

  1. Pingback: Yet Another Liberal Calls for Murder of Gun Owners | armedlamb

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